Thursday, April 7, 2011


In just 6 short weeks, Melanie and I will begin a journey of a lifetime. For Melanie it will be a time for renewal and respite from almost 14 years of tireless dedication to Pilgrim Congregational UCC in Saint Joseph, MI. For me, it will be a time of wonder and exploration. And for us both it will give us some quality "alone" time.

Although Mel will be keeping a journal during our time away, we thought it would be a good idea if I maintained a blog in order to let everyone know how we are doing and what trouble we are getting into :}  I can't promise how often the entries will be because that is going to be determined largely by availability of an internet connection but I will shoot for at least once a week. Please remember that as part of Mel's renewal time, she is not to have contact with Pilgrims so this will be the next best thing for many of you.

Next time....what are we forgetting?