Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday, May 30, 2011

Good Morning and Blessings to All:

We pray that all is well with everyone back in the states....I have been sick this last week, obviously picked up a bug on the plane I think. It hasn't stopped us from anything though. We spent last week at the Moorfield Lodge just outside the Peaks District. This is the largest national park in the UK. It is situated just east of Manchester and is really the beginning of the Moors. Outside our window were the lovliest views of green hillisides outlined in stone fencing with the always present sheep within. Absolutely beautiful and restful.

We are now in the Highlands of Scotland. It is Sunday and we just finished breakfast. Our room window literally faces Loch Linnhe at the Ardgour ferry dock. We have been here since friday and it has rained ever since. Yesterday we were given a wonderful treat of a double rainbow just outside our window over the Loch. Today we hope to go do some exploring if the rain lets up a bit.

I will say that the driving has been a real interesting thing. It is no problem on the highways and in the large cities (Glasgow a breeze) but driving on roads that are really only meant for one small car or even bikes are hairy. You are expected to drive at a fast pace on a road meant for one car and all of a sudden you have a semi truck coming at you....with nowhere to go.....we had one car that passed us on a one lane bridge and you could hear the sound of metal ripping on the stone sides of the bridge...the other car. By the time we are done I will either be an expert or I will be a complete basket case...I pray for the former but think it will be the latter!!!

One last thing before I sign off....Melanie was awakened last night around 2 am with the sounds of "baa baa" right underneath our first she thought it was me (no I don't snore that badly) but she soon realized that there were sheep outside taking a stroll along the road.....such a different world here....

Take this Sunday and know that God is the creator of all things great and and there.....two legs and four...and wants us all to live the best we be all we can be....Shalom

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Arrive in England

Cheerio to All:

We have arrived in merry old England and are trying to adjust to time change and driving on the wrong side of the road. It is so pastoral and beautiful here....the lanes are only a car width wide which makes driving harrowing to say the least but I am doing the best I can....feeling very dyslexic though..

We are in Salisbury today to enjoy the cathedral and then up to Stonehenge. The cathedral is awe inspiring..we have never experienced anything like it....getting to a place where internet is available is quite a trick right now so postings may be sparse....probably just once a week. Hope all are having a wonderful to all

Pat and Mel